Life has a way of taking its toll.
A web of negative thought patterns you built keeps you continually down and stuck. Do any of these thought patterns sound familiar?
Criticizer – You are critical and hard on yourself and constantly compare yourself to others. Secretly, you are judgmental of others and often blame others rather than yourself.
Over-Achiever – Asking for help is not something you do, and you strive to be perfect and the best at everything! Being in control is necessary, causing you to put up a strong front.
Great Pretender – Inside, you feel like a fake because you don’t have it all together.
Lack of Self-Confidence – Perhaps you are a people pleaser and an approval seeker.
You know you need help.
Thus far, you have braved life alone, leaving you feeling exhausted and empty. You fight to come up for air but can’t keep your head above the water.
At first, therapy sounds like it is what you need to feel better. But then your brain starts to chatter, trying to convince you that you do not need therapy!
That chatter sounds like the following: “I am fine. I’m just overreacting! I got this.” “Therapy is for crazy people, and that’s not me.” “I am not going to spend the money on therapy.” “I need to pull myself together and get on with it.”
These responses are called resistance. You will meet resistance whenever you attempt to step out of your comfort zone. It’s normal. And it will keep you stuck if you don’t face it head-on.
Comfort zone = stagnant, toxic, feeling stuckOutside comfort zone = growth, positive change, and renewed energy
What the hell is therapy anyway?
Most people come to therapy because they feel stuck. Their usual way of dealing with things no longer works, and they don’t know what to do. They feel miserable, exhausted, and out of answers.
In therapy, you can let down your guard and talk about what you genuinely think – the good, the bad, and the ugly. It is a nonjudgmental space to explore all the shit that is not working in your life and find what does work for you to have the life you want. Therapy is the best investment you will ever make because it is an investment in you.
Here’s what it is like to work with me.
To give you a glimpse of what working with me is like, I asked my clients what it’s been like for them.
“Paula provides a safe and judgment-free experience that I haven’t found elsewhere.” “I absolutely love working with Paula. She has so much passion and heart for her work.”
“Paula is highly empathetic, open-minded, and nonjudgmental. She knows what she’s talking about and helps get to the core of the issue.”
“Life-changing for me. Paula helped me see the path to becoming the person that I truly am. I have been able to change negative behaviors and gain a positive perspective on life.”
“Paula is real, authentic, and I feel as though I can tell her anything. Paula is attentive, a good listener, and solution-focused. And just as important, Paula isn’t afraid to tell you when you are a part of the problem.”
Therapy is the best investment one can make.
It’s an investment in you! It’s time to take care of you and you deserve it.
Hi, I’m Paula, aka Grandma Purple
Here is the low down on Me!
I know how you feel. I have been in the same stuck place you are in now and didn’t even know who I was anymore. Of course, I had to do everything my way and try anything that sparked my attention, including venturing on the dark side.
Until I finally asked for help, I spent years living in hell. I have walked the fantastic journey that you are about to take. I promise I won’t ask you to do anything I haven’t done! And you can tell me anything – I have probably thought it or done it anyway; let’s say very little shocks me!
I have been married to my best friend for over 20+ years and have two daughters who are strong, successful, and beautiful women. They are also hilarious! I also have a fantastic son-in-law and two grandsons whom I adore. They call me Grandma Purple!
I love my pets and consider them part of the family. My favorite thing is to put on Metallica (loud) and ride my Harley – this is my form of meditation. It is my way of making the rest of the world go away for a while. I also love to travel and watch documentaries.
And on a more personal note, I am proud to be a recovering alcoholic with several years sober!
And finally, here are my credentials.
I am Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), Master Addiction Counselor (MAC), and Substance Use Disorder Counselor (SUDC).
In addition, I am a Certified Trauma Therapist (CTTIII), Level 3, and have a Brainspotting therapy (BPS) certification.
Most of all, I am a cool, open-minded kick-ass therapist (COMKAT)!!!!
Here is the real low down on Me!
I’m real, I’m a rebel, I like to color outside the lines, sometimes I have a bit of a potty mouth, I like glitter and fairy dust, I’m approachable, and, more importantly, I am not your typical therapist – I CAN LEAP TALL BUILDINGS IN A SINGLE BOUND!